Running in Sand

I don’t remember but pretty sure I left out a little fact last Thursday about my hill run. They grated the shoulders of the road before last week’s run so it was like running in sand. It’s a pretty busy 2 mile stretch of road so I didn’t get a chance to run on the road much. It doesn’t make the hill run any easier when you have to run through extremely loose and soft gravel for about 2 of the 4 miles!

Why mention the above? That’s right! Tonight was another hill run šŸ™‚ It was a tiny bit better as some vehicles had packed the gravel in a few spots but it’ll be awhile before it’s all packed down. Last week I took 3 walking breaks and finished in about 50 minutes. Tonight I wanted to run the whole thing and finish under 44 minutes. It was tough sledding as hill runs usually are but success was my reward for sticking to the running. Twice my body really wanted to quit but I wouldn’t let it. When I hit the start of mile 4 I picked it up a notch and finished my run in 42:50.86 .

I’m really hoping to get out on the bike tomorrow but the forecast isn’t great. No it’s not calling for rain it’s calling for 20mph winds again! Seems like all of April the wind has been going nuts as I can’t think of a day there wasn’t a string wind. I really should go out no matter what tomorrow as I only have 10.5 weeks till my triathlon šŸ™‚ It’s just hard to head out when you know what a tough headwind you’re going into even though you will have it behind you on the return trip!

Last night after posting I headed out to badminton. It was the last night of the season so thought I better get one more in. 2 weeks from now you’ll see badminton replaced with men’s industrial league golf. It’s nowhere near the workout but it’s fun most nights and gets me out of the house. It may be my last year though as they upped the price again. Now it’ll cost us $15/night for 9 holes. It use to be $12. The golf course use to be such a great deal to play there almost anytime of the season but the last 3 years they’ve really jacked the prices. I mean it’s just not a $45 peak time course! Too bad for them as I’ll just spend my money at other courses the more they jack it up.

Okay enough whining for tonight šŸ™‚ Here’s hoping Mother Nature is kind tomorrow!

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5 Responses to Running in Sand

  1. Hill run!!! You must be insane šŸ™‚

    Golfing is SO expensive!

  2. Where we live it’s so flat I would have to hunt down a hill, and then you’d probably laugh at the size of it!

    Congratulations on the hill run!!

  3. Like Diane, I live in an area that is really flat. I wish there were hills for riding my bike. Those windy days you mention must make the biking a lot harder, but that will help you prepare for your event. Hopefully the weather will cooperate on the day of the actual event. Good luck with the remainder of your training.

  4. biz319 says:

    I’ve run on sand before on vacation – it makes it so much harder! Way to kick ass at the end – great time too! šŸ˜€

    That sucks about the $$ for the course! I haven’t golfed since my husband had his heart surgery – but I wasn’t very good so I am not missing much! šŸ˜€

    Happy Thursday!

  5. Wes says:

    Nice job on the hill run, but really… running the whole way is overrated šŸ™‚

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