March Challenges Review

Boy it’s been a busy few days! I’ve been so busy I’m a couple of days late getting my review for March completed. Yesterday I worked so today I could golf. It was a great day for both the weather and my golf game. It was a sunny
29C/84F. My game didn’t start out well as I was topping everything but eventually figured out it was my shoes and adjusted accordingly. I was wearing a newer pair which were quite a bit taller than my old shoes. I widened my stance and that seemed to help. Short story is this: shot 50 on the front and 43 on the back for 93. Very happy breaking 100 in only the second round of the season.

1. CUT OUT WHITE DEATH: I’m still amazed this is going so well as before I started eating healthy everything I ate was loaded with sugar and salt or white flour. 3 months into this challenge and I’m still not tempted with the sugar and white flour. My salt intake is still very good but I have the occasional day where I’m a bit high. In March I was over the recommended 2300mg 5 times. The worst being over 1000mg and the rest being 500 or less. This is a vast improvement over the previous years so I’m happy. Besides there were 8 days where I was well under 1/2 the amount I’m allowed so it evens out.

2. Exercise 1 HOUR/DAY for 6 days/week: This challenge was going well till I injured my foot about 3 weeks ago. It’s still popping up occasionally to annoy me. If it wasn’t for my foot I would have met this challenge easily. As it was I did exercise 17 days in March. I have my bike in proper operating condition so even if my foot hampers running I’ll have another form of exercise as the biking doesn’t bother my foot the same way.

3. STOP EATING OUT unless: This is going really well still. I ate out 2 times. Once with my mother and once with my friend. I’m saving a lot of money with this one. Occasionally I’ve picked up some peanuts and bananas or apples because work goes longer than expected. I don’t count these as they are things I’d normally buy grocery shopping. If I’d bought a sandwich or junk food then definitely it’d be blowing a lot of money and would count against the challenge.

4. CLEAN MY HOUSE EVERY WEEK: This is almost comical I’m so lazy and a big procrastinator. I have kept the bathroom clean that I cleaned last month. I started a cleanup of my back porch and just have to get all the recycling taken away and it will be clean. So only 3 more rooms to go and then keep them clean every week 🙂

5. START A SAVINGS FUND: Again this wasn’t possible due to both business and personal vehicle repairs. Also I bought a new scroll saw and a Garmin Forerunner 305. Both these weren’t totally necessary but will be put to good use. Once my brother’s wedding is over I figure I should be able to start putting a few bucks away.

6. STOP PLAYING ONLINE POKER: I almost played online Mar 28 as I was sent an e-mail from one of my former haunts. It seemed at first like they were giving me $100 but it turns out it was just bonus money if I put my own in…no thanks! This was the only time this year I was interested in playing online.

RESULTS SO FAR: As of yesterday morning(Apr.1) I’m down 51 pounds. My weight was 293.6lbs. So I’ve hit both of my first 2 goals which were to weigh less than 300lbs and then to lose 50 lbs. I have found I’m sleeping better and the odd night when I’m up late and only get 4 or 5 hours that I have no problem getting through the day. Last year I’d have to take a power nap a lot. And the last one that I can think of right now is: I’m Happier! It’s not just about the weight loss. I believe it’s also the way I’m eating. Getting rid of the addictions to white death has really helped with my moods as well.

Hopefully I’ll get to post tomorrow but I’m not sure yet. Based on everyone’s schedule we’re having Easter dinner tomorrow at my parents. On top of working tomorrow just not sure what else I’ll be able to do. Even exercise may be out!
Have a good night!

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5 Responses to March Challenges Review

  1. biz319 says:

    Wow, that’s an impressive golf score!!

    Good job on your goals too 😀 Have a wonderful Easter!!

  2. I made a bunch of goals for March, but didn’t do too well with them. Ah well, there is always April 🙂

    You did very well!

  3. Jess says:

    Yay for having more energy and feeling happier! I think the mood has to do with exercise too. Endorphin for the win.

    And HOLY 51 pounds! That’s awesome. You’ve lost a 7 year old. How do you feel?

    Good luck with the savings fund. I need to get on that, or start trying to sell things on eBay. I need some moneyz!

    By the way, your half is a week before mine so now we can keep each other motivated. Let me know how your 9.5 miles go!

  4. Dean says:

    Congrats on achieving your goals. I completely agree that eating healthier and exercising can have a positive effect on one’s mood. I think I’ve been in a semi-depressive state for the last several years. I ate sweets all the time and sat in front of my computer most of the day, usually playing WOW. Now that I’m trying to be more active, and canceled my WoW account, I feel much better.

  5. Jackie Paulson 1966 says:

    I love to clean but we are getting ready to move, ugh. It’s always messy. I can golf so your score is impressive.

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