Weekly Weigh In #6

I’m not sure how the scale will react this morning as this past week I’ve been at the top end of my calorie range. I also didn’t get in the most intense exercise. I did run twice but that was one less than normal. Badminton was a light workout this week due to players practicing for an upcoming tournament. Lastly I did golf twice and walked the courses which is better than nothing but not the most of intense workouts 🙂

Ok time to weigh in now. This morning after 102 days of trying to drop the weight I weigh:

Current Weight: 288.4 lbs
Last Weight: 291.9 lbs
Loss This Week: 3.5 lbs
Overall Weight Loss: 56.2 lbs

Well that was a lot better than I was expecting. Good bye 290’s! Have a good day everyone 🙂

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4 Responses to Weekly Weigh In #6

  1. Erin says:

    Awesome job — that’s fantastic progress for just a week!

  2. Samantha says:

    AWESOME!! Sometimes uping your calories for a few days or even a week can shock your body and help you have a big loss. Keep up the great work! Thx for all the support on my blog as well!

  3. Congrats on a GREAT loss!!!! That is awesome!!!! Keep it up!!

  4. Nicole says:

    With all that exercise, you need to be at the upper end of your calorie range! Awesome job, John!!! Kickin’ butt and takin’ names!

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